Upcoming:   Event season is in full swing.  Keep up with the latest here on the website!  Here’s some extra color on this coming week’s events:

SHOWS:  Drama shows create lasting memories for all.  Children get rich, unforgettable, exciting experiences that directly relate to pronunciation, creativity, storytelling, comprehension, and vocabulary.  There is no better way to improve reading skills than trying to bring a book to life for a loving audience.  Just so you know, all the students in the school get to see the plays during the day.

ENGINEERING FAIR: Graduating 8th graders show off their engineering science projects to all the students.

Pics of the Week

Week at a glance:

Monday: K-3 QT
Tuesday: 4-8 QT; K/1 show at 7pm
Wednesday: Pizza Day; Engineering Fair
Thursday: K-3 QT; 2/3 Show at 7pm
Friday: closed for Memorial Day Weekend

Best Links: See the Art Club projects!

Messages: UPCOMING SHOWS–all at 7pm:

K-1               5/24
2-3               5/26
4                   6/1
5-6 plus 6th grade graduation       6/8
7-8 music show plus graduation   6/15

Review:  We had a great week of rehearsals, final preparations, and yearbook completion.  Now the fun begins!

The always cultural inclusive second grade celebrated Cinco de Mayo in the pictures.  Did you know that Cinco de Mayo is a yearly celebration held on May 5, which commemorates the anniversary of Mexico’s victory over the Second French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862, led by General Ignacio Zaragoza?  But, over time it has become purely a celebration of Mexican-American Culture.